Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Doggy Style

posted by BH

Those who own or have owned a Border Collie will appreciate this assessment from last night's Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

Announcer: A product of Scotland and England, the Border Collie is the premier herding dog. Their ability to manipulate sheep is legendary, as is their prowess in obedience and agility. Although easily trained, they are so highly motivated to work that they are perfect for the farm but not for apartment dwelling unless provided with substantial outside activity.

Commentator: Owners of this breed will argue that this is the most intelligent dog. They sure are smart, which I think is important to point out because you really do need to give them (a job). If you don't give them one, they will find one on their own and that job might be chewing through your wall.


Anonymous said...

Rocky likes chewing on the bed post. It's his job, along with chasing the snow shovel, biting my feet, herding all his toys, and running 10k's with me. Best dog I've ever had though.

Roscoe Galt said...

Bodie demolished our cat door when we were dog-sitting him. He likes to herd our chickens, kid, lawnmower, and vacuum. He also sees it as his duty to chase every bird that flies over the house.

DMo said...

I have an aussie, same thing.

shaddy said...

i have a BC, shes the bomb.com