Two guys walk into a turns to the other and says, "I need a drink. My mother just died." "Shit," the other says. "Barry Zito."
Monday, April 28, 2008
It's become a punchline
Friday, April 25, 2008
If Tim Lincecum played in New York...
Maybe his win last night would have been noticed east of Denver. As it is, Lincecum's outdueling Chris Young to improve to 4-0, taking over the strikeout lead with 36, and lowering his ERA to 1.23 gets no love on's headlines, nor even on its baseball page headlines. I generally don't waste time looking at the site or worrying about the network's lackluster approach to legitimate news. But fucking come on. Joba's first loss? The Orioles beating the Mariners? It's a small sample size, but the dude has become one of the best pitchers in baseball. Can you imagine the reaction if he were doing what he's doing in Boston? New York? Fucking Atlanta or Florida for that matter? You'd think he'd have at least gotten a mention. Fuck, I know it's not about newsworthiness anymore. I know it's a high school paper. Fuck, though. I mean fucking fuck. Yes, I know. Ripping on ESPN for its overwhelmingly and generally accepted East-coast bias is a bit, I don't know, boring and played. But to call the network simply biased toward the East is inaccurate. ESPN's eyes are glued to the east coast, but it's odd the things on which the network seems to focus. Wait, no it's not. Ratings. Hits. Page views. Yes, that's it. I understand now. So I guess we'll watch Lincecum toil in that American Sports Siberia that is Northern California, making baseball history along the way, while ESPN "reports" on the "news" that is the state of Joba Chamberlain's soul or David Ortiz's cankles or Carlos Delgado's spot in the order.
Thursday Night TV
Last night's '30 Rock' was amazing. I'd put the episode in my top 10 episodes of anything ever.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Kobe back in the Rockies; Female front desk clerks buy chastity belts
Great, great, great post on one of the greatest blogs going: With Leather discusses Kobe Bryant's LOOK AT MEEEE!! party last night against the Nuggets.
Sure, he may be the MVP of the league this year (although I would vote for Chris Paul, and not just because of spite), but he's also the undisputed Biggest Cocksmoke of Them All award winner. Read the post on With Leather, then watch the video. Or, watch the video, then read the post. The order doesn't really matter, I suppose.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
What can you buy with $66.85 million?
A whole lot of over-the-hill, injured, or over-the-hill AND injured baseball players. That is, if your name is Brian Sabean and you think statisticians are just a bunch of nerds that don't know anything about baseball. According to, here are the top-10 Giants salaries for 2008:
1. Barry Zito: $14.5 million
2. Aaron Rowand: $9.6 million
3. Randy Winn: $8.9 million
4. Ray Durham: $7.5 million
5. Dave Roberts: $6.5 million
6. Bengie Molina: $6.2 million
7. Omar Vizquel: $5.0 million
8. Rich Aurilia: $4.5 million
9. Noah Lowry: $2.5 million
10. Brad Hennessey: $1.6 million
In total, these fabulous 10 players, all with meager to below average VORP numbers, comprise $66.85 million of the Giants' $76.1 million payroll. Unreal.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Back to reality
It was messy that Wednesday, my friends. Brandon Webb made your 2008 Giants looks like swinging piles of goo.
Woody's World looks f-ing creepy
I'm sure most of the MHR readers, with our once-in-a-while focus on the incomprehensible Woody Paige, have seen the "Woody's World" box on the top of the Denver Post's sports page. There's a picture of Paige, on camera, pontificating. The view, of course, is really why anyone knows who Woody Paige is. But this time he's speaking to no one. No "Around the Horn" duels with Pageturd or J.A. Adande. Just Woody, talking at you, the fan.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Just to be clear, Jeff Pearlman is a slimy douche
I was saddened to see that the ever dick-sucky and slithering Jeff Pearlman was favored a Will Clark-bashing post on Deadspin. Sad. You know Pearlman. In pictures and video of athletes being interviewed, he's the one that's just a hand holding a microphone. You can't see his face. Just a hand and a microphone. He's the guy who gets up in the morning and tells his wife, "I'm going to be a man and make my money today by writing about how fat David Wells is," or, "I'm going to be a man and make money today by writing about how much of a bad guy John Rocker is." He's made a whole career off of two lackluster bits in S.I., in which he was as much a part of the story as the subject. He's ripped Barry Bonds for wearing #42 on Jackie Robinson Day. Nothing this clown ever writes is distinguishable from that written by an eleventh-grade journalism student. A bad one. One who only got into the class because his grandpa is the Assistant Superintendent and he needs a C- to be accepted into Douchebag Junior College. Now it appears he's written a book on the Dallas Cowboys of the 1990's. Provocative. Something about Michael Irvin and cocaine? Nate Newton? Maybe a nugget about ladies and postgame festivities?
Hey, remember when 'Moneyball' was a failed concept?
And the A's were 9-5 with the best record in the AL anyway? Yeah, that was crazy.
Out of the cellar and into the streets!
Your 2008 San Francisco Giants are, wait...just saying it gets me a little teary...not...not in...last place. Phew, I did it.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Oh My God...
Hoooooooooo Boy...
Hide the women and children...
I don't even know what to say... other than she could be a first round pick in this month's NFL draft. The 49ers could use a left tackle.
Serena Williams, ladies and gentlemen (of note -- the 90-year-old gold sweeper running away like he just saw Godzilla):
Obama is an elitist
And HillDog is an alcoholic. Just calling a spade a spade.
And she took a shot of Crown Royal... A CANADIAN whiskey?!?! Jesus. She doesn't even support the hard-working whiskey producers of our country?!?! Well, surely she's gonna just NAFTA all of the Jack Daniels distilleries to Mexico and Canada if she's elected!
I hate this part of politics. Hate it.
Let's get back to talking about things that matter, Hillary, mmmkay? I realize it's your last attempt to drive a wedge in between Obama and voters, but it's, you know, kinda late for that, don't you think? On the other hand, she would make an excellent VP candidate for McCain at this rate. The mere thought is enough to give Rush Limbaugh an epileptic seizure.
Offensive Juggernaut
The answer all along was getting Ray Durham and Dave Roberts out of the lineup - duh. Is John Bowker the baseball reincarnation of Will Clark and Roy Hobbs? Definitely, yes. Can he be counted on to continue his hot streak? Definitely, yes. My prediction? Bowker will make us all forget about Barry Bonds, finishing the year with 63 bombs, winning the MVP, ROY and Nobel Prize in baseball studliness. Put it in the bank.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The secret of my delinquency
I took the kid to his first game on Saturday. Giants/Cards, Cain/Pujols and nosebleeds. The Giants, desperately needing to fill AT&T Park, were running $11 specials in the view reserves. So there you go. Not interested in paying $30 for parking at the stadium, nor dealing with San Francisco game-traffic, we took the ferry across the Bay. Much, much easier and enjoyable. Especially for the kid. As I expected would happen, we only spent two innings in our seats and spent the bulk of the rest of the game waiting in lines and walking from one side of the park to the other. But the kid had a good time, riding the slides, hitting in the little kids' field behind the right field bleachers, and eating a shitload of junk.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
We don't do a lot of linking to other blogs here at MHR*, which we admit is somewhat sinful. We read other blog posts, yet generally enjoy them solo. That said, please read the 4/10 post over at FJM, entitled, "Heady Days.". It is, undoubtedly, in the all-time top 3 FJM posts debate. At some point when my kid can read, I will have him read it. Jim Armstrong at AOL presents an argument from 1998, and the ever-fabulous Ken Tremendous has a good time.
Speaking of deification
I'm so sick of this fucking guy and his double-talk bullshit let the media stroke me crap. Jesus, Brett. Just go away.
Gosh, who's playing in this golf thingy?
I can't tell. Really, can we tone down the Tiger-worship just a tad. has up a picture that you know is worthy of Tiger's fireplace mantle, and is probably actually headed for the ESPN Headquarters fireplace mantle. Visual deification? I know the self-proclaimed "Worldwide Leader" is broadcasting the first two rounds and that Tiger supposedly drives ratings, but come on. Inflating the already inflated opinion of Woods, simultaneously, openly diminishing the significance of the tournament's other participants, is stupid on a self-righteous 10th-grader scale.
Yes, it's going to be that hard every night
You might go to bed before the game is over, thinking, "I hope they don't waste this Sanchez start." You might wake up in the middle of the night wanting to walk to the computer or hop on your phone and check the score. But waking up bright and early to find the Giants pulled it out and that the hero was amazingly, incredibly Daniel Ortmeier, is a sweeeeeeet way to wake up.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Aaaahhhhhh, burn. Torch route changed?
Gavin Newsom has balls. Not normal to teeny ones like like those sported by myself, but huge, heavy, wet balls. San Francisco city officials, including Newsom and Police Chief Heather Fong, chose to "augment" the route prior to it's being undertaken by torch-bearers. Predictably, despite actually having held a protest, protesters were upset the torch didn't pass by their locations. San Francisco Supervisor and renowned douchebag Aaron Peskin said,
Do you think the pit crew was ever the least bit curious as to why he lost 100 pounds in two weeks?
I mean, you have to be bat-shit insane to do what NASCAR driver Aaron Fike did before driving NASCAR truck at speeds up to 180 mph. According to his interview with ESPN the Magazine, Fike admitted to booting black tar heroin... ON FUCKING RACE DAY!
Um, yeah. I'd say NASCAR isn't doing the best job with its drug testing. Just a thought. Somehow, Congress has to call a hearing about this.In his first in-depth interview since being arrested for heroin possession last
summer, the 25-year-old said he had been using heroin for eight months and
suffered from a dependency on painkillers for six years before that. In the
weeks prior to his arrest, his once-a-week experiment with heroin had become a
daily routine, including the days he was competing in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck
NASCAR officials, when informed of Fike's admission, said the league
has kept an eye on the more proactive random drug testing policies recently
ramped up by the "Big Four" major league sports but point to the list of recent
suspensions as proof that the current policy is working.
Lincecum. Is. God.
1-161, you sneer? Ha. Fuck you then. Our San Francisco Giants will not reach the dreaded 161-loss mark, thanks to - again - Tim Lincecum, Bengie Molina (sigh), and, unbelieveably, Brad Hennessey. Hennessey had looked awful all season, including spring training. Even two shutout innings last night lowered his ERA for the year to 14.40. But hey, he was good again for one lone night, and that's all that matters here in Giantstopia. Be good for one night. Molina is what he is. Two bombs? It might be the only time this season that happens, but last night he looked like a cleanup hitter.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
So it begins
The great protest of our time. Oh, well, that may be a bit of hyperbole, but one can't help but expect the ever-passionate city of San Francisco to put on a doozy of a show. Fuck, for those looking for an American protest, could there have been any better city for the torch to visit in the U.S.? No, not really. And now that Paris has done so much to disrupt the torch relay, essentially raising the fuck-you-up bar, wehell, we can certainly expect something magical. Transcendent. Protestriffic. Right?
Are you from the '30's?
Ken Rosenthal attributes the Cards' hot start to, wait for it,
Hilldog, noooooooooo...
Goddammit, why'd you do that?
The violent clashes in Tibet and the failure of the Chinese government to use its full leverage with Sudan to stop the genocide in Darfur are opportunities for presidential leadership.
These events underscore why I believe the Bush administration has been wrong to downplay human rights in its policy towards China. At this time, and in light of recent events, I believe President Bush should not plan on attending the opening ceremonies in Beijing, absent major changes by the Chinese government.
She is absolutely right to suggest that the current situation presented is an opportunity for presidential leadership. GWB has been strangely, sadly meek regarding the topics of Darfur and Tibet, certainly because the U.S.'s relationship with China is an always changing, never clear, give and take clusterfuck, without the possibility that one of the two countries ever taking an overt, cock-measuring stance against the other won't lead to a major international incident.
So Bush is not going to skip the Olympic opening ceremonies, nor should he. Like him or not, he is the President of the United States, and the Office has to attend. But beyond U.S./China relations, politicians or leaders should never fuck with the Olympics. That is supposed to be one of the beauties of the games. The event is not a pawn. The athletes themselves, are not pawns. Jimmy Carter fucked the dreams of hundreds of U.S. athletes, their parents, coaches, friends and others in 1980 upon boycotting the Moscow games. Hilldog's not calling for a complete boycott, but the message is the same; the Olympics is not immune from politics, as it was meant to be.
Let the athlete boycott. Let the athlete raise a fist. But don't you Mr. or Mrs. Politician, Hilldog, choose this event, in which you have invested nothing and these athletes who have worked harder than few can understand have invested everything, as a trophy.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Tired = so-so post?
...unless you're a Giants fan
Well that was a crazy openingish week in baseball. Meant to spend all season in the crapper? Hell no. Laugh in the face of the naysayers. "Nay, you say? We're 5-1, bitches," says Rick Ankiel and his undetectable HGH. "Eat my balls," says Aubrey Huff of the 4-1 Orioles. "Tigers? More like faggots," says...uh...Mark Grudielanek and the Royals? And there you have the kings of the "huh?"'s. The Detroit Tigers, supposed to go 160-2, are 0-6. No one's panicking in Detroit, but no one's happy either. Philly and New York, similarly predicted to compete all season at the top of the division, are flailing a little. "Hey! Heilman! Ya fuckin' up Santana's fuckin' season, ya fuckin' douchebag," was yelled at televisions throughout the New York area. No one thinks the Phils or Mets or Tigers are going to spend the season at the bottom of their respective divisions. If a team goes through a 2-3 or 2-4 or 0-6 stretch after they've reached their 75th game, no one really worries. When it happens to start the year, douchebags with computers write sadly unfunny posts on their sadly unfunny blogs.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
An offensive explosion
I'll take what the Giants did yesterday. Sure, they lost the game 5-4, but with the lone exception being Ray Durham at second, came closest yet to starting the young lineup we have been asking for all winter. Not surprisingly, the result was not having to string together four straight singles to score a sad, lonely run. Eugenio Velez tripled, Daniel Ortmeier stole two bags and Brian Bocock continued to get on base at a Bondsian clip - yet was picked off again - all resulting in the Giants most exciting loss of the season. And really, that's what we are hoping for, right? Losses that make us happy. As we've said in the past, if this team is going to lose, let's at least see them lose in a way that excites us. That is, without the Aurillias and Durhams* and Roberts and Castillos and...gasp...Vizquels in the way of players whose playing might help the team in a year. Now we see that the kids' playing now helps the team now just like we hoped it would. As I wrote in this post almost a week ago**, the Giants benefit absolutely nothing by starting the Aurillia, Durham, Roberts, Castillo lineup, and everything to gain starting the youngsters.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Jesus walks
Blue Jesus, of course. Everybody here okay with that? I guess I should ask, anybody here not okay with that? No hands? Excellent. Than let's proceed.

Inevitability: by guest blogger Bill Plaschke
The hearts of Bruin Nation are broken.
...she said with a deep voice and dangling balls
So in the first semi-tiring, semi-high profile BALCO case to go to trial, decidedly grody cyclist Tammy Thomas was found guilty of perjury, obstruction of justice, and promoting a new examination of the word 'bicycle.' Demonstrating that she does not suffer from any sort of steroid-related emotional control issues, after being found guilty she yelled at jurors, "I already had one career taken away from me. Look me in the eye. You can't do it," and to the prosecutor, "Look me in the eye .... You like to destroy people's lives." During the trial, a University of Colorado endocrinologist testified to the existence of all the dreaded and telltale signs of manishness in Thomas. Yuck. I don't want to be so good at anything that I'd allow my body to change so radically, I think. Well...yeah, yeah, I'm sure.
Friday, April 04, 2008
'There's a 4:30 in the morning now?'
My day started pretty early as I recently signed up to do some volunteer work during the morning shift for the local NPR station during its pledge drive. Of course, being at the station so early caused me to miss the most pressing news of the morning, which was, of course, nothing. What a boring day, so far. Maybe Brett Favre's coming back? Who cares outside of Green Bay, Peter King and other media sycophants. Mike Montgomery's on his way to Cal? Nice job Bears. Foxsports douche Kevin Hench - the Kevin Hench who was hammered for making fun of Rocco Baldelli's career-threatening condition - writes that the A's crumminess signals the "Continuing downfall of Moneyball," citing as one example Bobby Crosby's low OBP, even though it really means nothing since the very fact the Crosby's low OBP kind of demonstrates that Hench understands that OBP is important in baseball, a key component of the type of philosophy used by various people, including Billy Beane in the book, "Moneyball." Then he has to get really stupid with RBI's and BA's. Make sure you read the book before you try to deconstruct it like a stumbling buffoon. Or at least recognize you should probably use numbers valued by the system your attacking when attacking it. It's always a little bit fun when doucheclowns go after "Moneyball" by ripping on the A's, when the Red Sox are busy winning World Series under Beane apprentice/disciple Theo Epstein.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Larry Bowa: Kiiinda crazy
If you were lucky enough to see it live on Tuesday night or more likely, replayed all over the place, Larry Bowa's argumentsnapejectionexplosiontantrum was, in typical Bowa style, fucking rad. The game's plugging along, Matt Cain's doing what he can to keep the Giants in the game, the Dodgers are kind of threatening...BAM! Bowa explodes! Excellent. Excefreakinlent. But then he had to go get all nutso after the game, and again after he was handed a three-game suspension, ruining the fun. Bowa's primary gripes, you ask?
My mind is literally going to explode, ex. 27
Bob Brenley, during today's WGN telecast of the Cubs/Brewers game, referring to Monday's Fukudome home run:
Another example of the liberal use of "moment"
Remember when Major League Baseball unveiled its Top 10 moments in baseball history, and like four of them weren't actually moments?
That's them
Oh thank God. Giants win 2-1 in a somewhat disjointed game. But the win. Aaaahhhhh, the win. Tim Lincecum and Merkin Valdez were the stars as Valdez struck out four (4!) in two innings (fucking stud), and Lincecum, who Giants fans are waiting to watch fall apart like some Wile E. Coyote Acme car, pitched on both sides of the hour-plus rain delay, scored the winning run and got the win. It isn't like Giants fans worried the team was actually going to start the season with 162 straight losses, but we weren't dismissing the idea that the team might challenge the Orioles 0-21 start in 1988 or the 1893 Green Lake Petticoats 0-37. Everything has to go right for these Giants to win a game. The old Giants, my younger self's Giants, could fall into a win once in a while. But hope, as the old proverb goes, makes you feel like a fucking moron dumbass sucker as you watch your team stumble and bumble and single and cough up leads on their way to uninspiring losses. But hey, they won last night. And sort of with the lineup (sans Ortmeier in favor of Aurillia, for some fucking reason, and Rajai Davis in left over Fred Lewis) we all wanted to see. Brian Wilson got a four-out save and the bullpen as a whole was exactly what they need to be (not made of unleaded and extra-dry fir) and Eugenio Velez was on base twice and stole a bag (der).
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
I thought better of it
I made the mistake of turning on the Arizona/Cincinnati game, forgetting it would be called by the Thom Brenneman. No way. That's not happening in this house. Fortunately I tuned into the Cards/Rocks game in time to see Rick Ankiel's first bomb of the year, then hear the Cards announcers, freshly without Joe Buck, wash his balls. And I'm not joking about this...Babe Ruth's name was mentioned. Roughly...
I Am a Robot...I Feel Nothing...I Want Nothing
Are they kidding us with this shit? Ken Whizenhunt's disappointed in Matt Leinart's partying, especially after pictures of Leinart's entertainment techniques hit the series of tubes.
Giants score!!
But lose. These, I'm afraid, are our San Francisco Giants. 10 singles. 2 runs. Matt Cain was a stud, going 5 2/3, allowing 3 hits and 0 runs. Jack Taschner looked like a good reason to let Steve Kline slip away, bailing Cain out in the sixth with a strikeout. But Brad Hennessey and Keiichi Yabu contributed to yielding three runs in three innings. Guh. The bullpen letdown can't be the norm. The offense Bochy's put on the field to start the season is, perfect for bizarro baseball, not built to score runs. Ray Durham's defensive failings, which have been glaringly evident over the first two games, cannot be made up for with the offense he presents at this point; a low-average hitter with little power in his later baseball years. Rich Aurillia killed the Giants lone rally in the seventh with a double play that was predicted by every single Giants fans watching or listening to the game. Jose Castillo does something, probably. The good news is Eugenio Velez has two hits in two pinch-hit AB's. Brian Bocock has 3 BB in two games and got his first hit last night and looks Omaresque on defense. What is the point of filling the lineup with players who were good at one time, but no longer appear to be capable every day major leaguers? The benefits derived from Velez at second and Ortmeier at first cannot be less than what is to be gained now. What the fuck is there to lose? There is everything to be gained. Are Bochy and Sabean worried Velez is going to hit under .200 and play shitty defense? Or are they worried Ortmeier is going to hit under .150, grounding into double plays every time the opportunity presents itself? Well hell. Let's keep 'em on the bench so we can watch old guys on the downside of their careers do the same fucking thing. It's insanity. It's the definition of insanity.
And I Promise Healthcare for EVERY American!!!
From the San Jose Mercury News
I loathe Brian Sabean. That entire staff needs to be drug out to the street and shot. Seriously, I don't think Sabean has his fastball anymore. He's lost it. And the "People's United Front Against Ray Durham" is officially in action.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Trouble brewing in Denver?
Most assuredly so. Jay Cutler doesn't sound very happy with Brandon Marshall these days.
“This wasn’t like his DUI and other stuff he’s had. It was an accident. But, still, stuff like that can’t happen. Hopefully this is the last.”
Marshall told the media last week his latest accident was a ‘wake-up’ call. Cutler isn’t totally buying it.
“I mean, a DUI is a wake-up call. He’s had many wake-up calls,” the quarterback said. “He’s been in (coach Mike) Shanahan’s office many times. I’ve been up there with him and he’s said the same thing, ‘It’s a wake-up call, a lot of things are going to happen.’ Blah, blah, blah. Until he goes out and proves it, we’ll see what happens.”
Geez. "Blah, blah, blah?" Brutal. Marshall's television fight explanation is crazy, but if it's true it's equally crazy that Cutler would throw him under the bus like that. Cutler looks like a giant douche.
Yeah, it's a little frustrating
The toughest part about watching your 2008 San Francisco Giants is the confusion. Are they going old or going young? Do they want to win? Build? Both? Neither? What's become exceedingly clear over the past offseason is Brian Sabean's inability to recognize a situation for what it is. That Rich Aurillia, Dave Roberts, Ray Durham and Jose Castillo started yesterday's opener demonstrates that Sabean expects the Giants to compete right now, this season. The problem, of course, is that starting Aurillia, Roberts, Durham and Castillo does not allow that. The difference between the Giants being a competitive team, aspiring to an NL West title or Wild Card birth is not Aurillia starting over Dan Ortmeier or Castillo over Eugenio Velez or Roberts over Fred Lewis. The 2008 Giants are, at most, five games better over the course of the season starting Aurillia, Roberts, Castillo and Durham. The worst part is that those possible five wins this year amount to nothing more than boring-ass baseball and a fucked-up 2009. Is Sabean's goal to sell tickets? Generate excitement? Are either going to be positively affected starting Aurillia, Roberts and Castillo? Der. What is happening with everyday players in San Francisco that can be considered good?
The Niners and The Goodell Nut-Shot
-Nancy Gay, you're beautiful. I don't know how physically attractive you are, but thanks for getting the whole "the 49ers are getting bent over and humped" thing a little more mainstream. Has Roger Goodell become the least trusted man in sports, or at least the most shady? Has any league ever done so much to publicly shame rules violators, demonstrating a no-nonsense approach, while at the same time so covertly working to sweep other rules-violations under the rug, hiding a so seemingly obvious protect the big names approach? Well, no.