Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Two dirtiest teams argue about who's dirtiest team

Richard Seymour, responding to comments made by Chargers lineman Nick Hardwick, from the Boston Globe:

We were into it the whole game. I just wasn't taking any stuff. All of it came between the whistles. Me, I'm not going to go to the media and talk bad about someone. I take pride in not crying to the media about what goes on in the line of play. If I want to say something about that, I'm going to handle it on the field (emphasis mine).

There's no battle of words, but you can't attack my character.

There is nothing to hide. Whatever I did, it was between the whistles. Of course there is some pushing and shoving; it's a physical game. That's the way I play the game. There was nothing after the whistle, but it's a violent game and I play the game violently.

My thing is that if you're going to speak, please speak the truth. The film, if you look at the copy of the game that teams get, you can see what they were doing to me - pushing me over the pile, and all that stuff in the trenches. You can see it yourself. So for me, the proof is in the pudding. You judge a tree by its fruit.

We should commend Richard Seymour for not crying to the media about what went on in the AFC Championship Game.

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